xBunker Forums

Deanmikes commented
Iirc she used to have real ones but got reduction then decided to augment them to be closer to her original size cause her audience is pretty obviously not gonna care about her otherwise
Cherub commented
She also had implants back then. It was simply a lie that her boobs were natural during this time, she later (many years later) said that she had implants back then but wanted to hide it. She was never a really honest person.
zconz commented
there is a thread for discussions if you want to ask you should do it there, also don't be naive, boobs like those doesn't exists naturally, boobs just hang and take form depending on how the person is, you can google it and see a pictured explanation for that
CanonSpike commented
Alcapone_Am commented
Just google her and you'll see them pop a lot bigger suddently.