xBunker Forums

magicmouontain commented
I was a member of Miamitvhd for years. I became dissatisfied with how rare the updates were and how repetitious the additions were, so I ended my subscription. Now, I am VERY interested in sexualenergytv and the direction JS is taking on miamitv.com, but I have a few questions. For context, I literally could not care less about her chattering bullshit about aliens and former lives she has lived. Boring as hell. BUT, I love her and her teasing, and the harder "energy" vids are pretty decent, in my opinion. ! So, here are my questions if anyone knows: (1) Are the clips on sexualenergy the same ones we see shared here and other places? I'm hoping they are unique and created just for that site. (2) Are the Dares on miamitv.com sprinkled with some "extra" action?....(Straw Hat #8 was pretty good!) I wonder if the ones on miamitv now are of that nature? (touching pussy, etc) (3) Are there "member" versions of the Jenny Live shows on miamitv.com that are better than the free ones? Thanks for your input.
mexi72 commented
1. There two different types of videos. The ones where you play 1000 tokens for a 15 minute video. Then there is the membership format where you pay $30 a month (which I had) for 3 minutes or less tease videos.
2. The dares are sprinkled around. Only things she allowed was making out by her request and ass and tit grabbing.
3. Yes there are members videos and none members video. She would start an episode with deep cleavage but no nude. Then she would tell people it was time for members only.
magicmouontain commented
Thanks Mexi. I appreciate all your great posts. I would gladly pay the $190 if it was more wide open.....i want to see some really fun and erotic action in the Dare vids.! Just keep up the good work.
fastships4454 commented
I agree - all of these hardcore videos are fantastic, but I would also love to see her pushing the boundaries in the dare videos as well. I'm assuming covid shifted her focus a bit - in the last few years she has been more permanently in Tulum, MX with her own space/studio/etc where she can do her 'energy' bs and presumably shoot the hardcore videos. Less traveling and big events/festivals, and more creating a 'sanctuary' (eye roll) to host people.

Out of curiosity, what did Straw Hat #8 entail, and is that the title of the video if I were to look for it elsewhere?
magicmouontain commented
The Straw Hat Dare shows are on misc sites. #8 had two guys getting really close in rubbing her ass, but wish there were more that went farther. That's what I am hoping to find. And more massage vids that go farther!