xBunker Forums

SorenVagner commented
"They'll be A LOT smaller when the swelling goes down" - we'll see about that... :cry:
Quackerjack commented

Yea, they look like 1200cc at best, I wish she would have gone for at least double the size with 1600cc šŸ˜¢
MrLurker commented
I don't have a problem with upgrades. until the nipples
get trashed and each tit is bigger the her head...
Phoenixcat5 commented
she says they're 1400cc, and she couldn't go bigger without destroying her skin. I think this is fine, I'm glad she didn't go to some shady pos that would put in her whatever size and destroy her body!
Waiting to see how they settle but these already look like a better shape than the ones she previously had
bmagada commented
The addiction to plastic surgery is obvious, but those are ridiculous. Comically large tits on her very small frame.