pokimane discussion / general talk


Sep 15, 2020
with all the drama heating up on her recently, I was curious to see what yall's reaction to that was

honestly Im in no surprise cuz she was a hoe in the end but def didn't expect fed to be the one to reveal this
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Jul 20, 2021
I'm still not getting what the "scandal" is. So, she had some relationship drama, and people say she has fans because of her looks? What? This doesn't even register as paparazzi-level drama. I'll admit, I never got into watching streamers because it seems like such a huge waste of time, but so much of streamer culture just mystifies me.

Also, that article is terribly written. I couldn't get through it because the whole thing was just nonsense saying nothing. When you get down half the page and haven't heard a single meaningful thing, there's a problem. In journalism, you're supposed to start with the lede, the important nugget of information. How do these awful writers get these jobs? I did some serious political and science journalism, some of which got some attention, before giving up because monetizing journalism these days is just really tough. Then I come across shit like this, and it's just what the fuck, who's paying these idiots?

One of the things that struck me about these streamers was how perfect they looked, and it actually amazed me seeing how normal-looking they really are. Based on memes and selective posing, it seems like pokimane and people like her are literal goddesses, like more perfect than supermodels. Then you see them from an angle slightly out of their control, or not done up quite as perfectly as they like, and you realize they're totally average looking. This isn't really a criticism, it's just amazing how much they've mastered make up and camera work to achieve that. Neeko is a particularly striking example - from the memes and pics I'd think she was one of the most beautiful women on Earth. Then I saw part of one of her streams, and she's not actually even particularly attractive, she's like just this pudgy average looking girl. Not that there's anything wrong with that