Pardon the quality, I promise it isn't me. She just takes very bad quality pictures. I even click the "View high resolution image" button they have and it still looks like that. Maybe someday she'll get a good camera seeing as she's doing well for herself. 15 people bought her $250 tier and 1 person bought her $1000 tier. Hoping she gets a better camera with that money xD.
Nice add. I've had alot of stuff of her but It was pretty much the exact same as everything I had posted cuz she said she never was gonna go nude or anything and alot of the stuff she put out before the switch to fan sly was all just bras or pasties. Glad to see she let loose. Thanks for the upload. I'll have to check the new site out and see what else she has, saw she has a couple of vids and like 7 pics last I checked the numbers.