Discussion Meg Turney Discussion


May 31, 2021
Meg : shows the most skin possible in picture, by being basically nude (that shirt didn't count as clothed)
You : So disappointed, she's not showing enough

These comments are always so fucking sad. People have been saying for years that Nigri was going to show nipples or go full frontal nudity and they keep complaining that she's not doing it... Despite her having been harassed for years to show nipples and her not doing it.

Meg is probably the same.

She does not want to do that. Maybe one day she'll do it, maybe she won't. But at the end of the day, going "I'm disappointed in these images" is so childish, especially when you're not even paying for it.

Had she marketed this set as "The most daring set I've ever done, this is so sexy" and then it's her covered from head to toe in lose clothes that don't show any curves then, yes, complaining about the images would be warranted.

But now you just look like a whiny little baby