Youtube Onlyfans OMG Cosplay / Mags.IRL


Mar 31, 2023

Objection! I saw the defendant's lawyer sucking a dildo on Onlyfans!
Steel1960 commented
yeah she trained in it. I was surprised as most that she continued to go after being a lawyer considering there is porn on the internet of her.
Citizen10 commented
She stated many times that her bosses were aware of her OF and were cool with it
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Ninjadog_288 commented
Theres not porn lol she was covered
Wesker8822 commented
She recorded herself putting a buttplug in and playing with it. Quite literally sucking on a dildo in the previous post. Braindead comment
Nick10d commented
It’s funny because you know that what she’s worried about, why else take down your entire page, that’s free
dellis359 commented
there are videos of her masturbating, in the shower making out with a naked woman, simulating blowjobs - what do you think porn is?
eltaco commented
One of my twitter friends is a practicing lawyer with an active onlyfans. As long as your boss isn't uptight it's not a problem.
ELILONDON911 commented
first of all tune in next time on things that never happened 😄 and secondly no self respecting law firm is going to hire someone who has dome porn unless the boss is a pervert ha ha ha
eltaco commented
I'm not going to get too deep into it because this isn't a discussion thread, but she's stated before how she got lucky that her boss and school with both cool with it, and as of a few years ago she became her own boss anyway. She doesn't do any sort of work that involves children, so it's never been an issue with clients. She's also not super super popular (although she does have a thread here).

Anyway, just because someone makes adult content doesn't mean they're not smart or don't deserve respect. Let's keep the discussions civil.
Phoenixcat5 commented
My dude, plenty people that do or did porn are perfectly fine human beings. As long as it doesn't affect their current work life and he or she did only legal, non extremely niche weird stuff, it shouldn't be an issue.

It's going to be a growing thing in the next decades, people in certain high profile positions WILL have had an onlyfans in the past, you should judge based on what kind of person they are, not if they sucked more or less dicks.
ELILONDON911 commented
I'm sure all that definitely happened 😄 let's be honest people that sell themselves to strangers online don't respect themselves at all and that's not the kind of person a business with any kind of standards wants employed at their company
eltaco commented
I wasn't joking around when I said we're going be civil and respectful. We like it on this forum when women are happy and post themselves online and slut shaming doesn't belong in this thread or anywhere else on the forum.
Madmanx commented
The only issue that may prove unique in the case of her specific career choice is that, when standing before a judge, lawyers can and do receive rulings based upon preferential or detrimental bias, no matter how impartial the judge attempts to be. While this is common to everyone in a professional setting, few people retain the power dynamic of a judge in our country. Whether this becomes a problem for her or a potential avenue for appeal remains to be seen, but most judges I've interacted with aren't quick to admit that their prejudices were a factor in their decision making.

Shallah Raekwon

Lex Diamonds
Jan 10, 2022
Foshan, Guangdong province
From the Samus Oil and Twerk video. Upscaled

sixhot commented
let us know how it goes xD
eltaco commented
It feels like nearly 1GB per minute isn't a very good encode.