Onlyfans Griffon Ramsey

Mar 30, 2021
I travel alone for work a lot. It’s not uncommon for me to go an entire day without saying a word out loud to another person. There is a kind of stamina you can develop for aloneness and if you ever want to give yourself some space to gain some new perspective, try taking a three day road trip by yourself.

On the other hand, nothing wakes me up for getting to know new people like travel does. Every adventure brings opportunity to create new friendships and the occasional wild fling. It stands to reason that since my first experiences going off on my own, out of my comfort zone and engaging with the world sparked my first sexual experiences (see my March 25th post for a link to “Tell Us A Good One” podcast), being on the road tends to awaken my libido. Every good adventure story needs a love interest… well, maybe that’s not a hard and fast rule, but isn’t a story always better with a little juice?

I sit at the bar when I’m out on my own. It invites strangers to sit down and start a conversation.
I like talking to strangers.


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Mar 30, 2021
Good evening! This place has been such a rollercoaster already… an incredibly exciting and stimulating ⚡️🥰 place with so much positive feedback and potential for expression. I’ve been loving it! Almost everyone has been so nice here. It’s rapidly becoming my new favorite platform!

I’m really hoping I can get the hang of this new endeavor and stay brave and excited while navigating the stigma of being a creator here. Unfortunately there have been some real life consequences which are concerning and, to be frank, a little surprising considering it’s 2021. A bank denied me a bank account, I was dropped from a big carving gig, my bumble account was frozen, and some people here are still posting my pictures without my permission. Please stop! 🙏

I really hope to properly express my ideas about love, sex, relationships and how the world is changing. But maybe it’s not changing as fast as I think it is… yikes!

I like it here and I want it to flourish and grow. Thanks to NEARLY ALL OF YOU for being so wonderful, positive and supportive! We are going to talk about this more in the next live stream…


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Mar 30, 2021

Good evening! Today has been a truly relaxing Sunday and I’m feeling ready for an excellent week because of it. Doing nothing is the absolute best, right? I’m about to follow up with a television/streaming binge. I need suggestions! What are you watching lately?

I was so lazy today, I only put on pants to check the mail. How lazy were you?


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