Why do we always do these open ended questions that suggest we should may MORE? Why not have a set firm price? Maximum I'd pay for any sex video would be 50 dollars. There's no justification for them to charge any higher. When sex tapes used to be released by Vivid of Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton, the prices were reasonable. Nowadays they fucking charge hundreds for a fucking sex video with no third party distributor, so we're the ones stuck with paying the full prices of not only the content but of their production etc. And their production basically consisting of their phone. The pricing of sex videos nowadays have gotten fucking ridiculous. We need a middle man that can ease the burden of the production costs and give us more reasonable prices.
We all want a video of them doing it so just everyone ask her how much for a tape like everyone just keep asking until she makes one then buy it and we will all probably get it
I just found out about this lady and there's 179 pages. Does anyone happen to have a link to a big archive of her works? A bunch of the older links are dead.
Oh shit, they moved my comment from the post thread to here. Sorry.
Essentially, I was asking if there is a mega-archive link or such, seeing as the thread with her posts is 179 pages and most of the archive links for individual sets/photos are dead.